Getting Started

Welcome on documentation for Typescript Wrapper for Twitch Embed player and/or chat based on official Twitch Embed API (opens in a new tab).


npm i @anivire/twitch-embed-ts

Basic usage

Be sure to add the official Twitch Embed or Player script to your index.html first:

<script src=""></script>
<!-- OR / AND -->
<script src=""></script>

Creating new TwitchEmbed instance

TwitchEmbed allows you to embed anything, including a player and/or chat. It also contains a TwitchPlayer, which can be interacted by calling embed.getPlayer():

const embed = new TwitchEmbed(
    options: {
        width: '1280',
        height: '720',
        channel: 'anivire_',
        parent: ['']
  1. First argument TwitchEmbed is the identifier for the <div> in which the Twitch player will be embedded as a <iframe>.

  2. Second argument is an object with player settings, which include parameters width, player height, and channel / video / collection, where channel has highest priority, meaning if both channel and video are specified, only channel (live) will be used.

Additionally, instead of a numeric value for height and width you can specify a percentage size, for example 100%.


It is also important to specify the domain in parent where your player will be hosted for correct player behavior.

Creating new TwitchPlayer instance

TwitchPlayer allows you to embed only player, without chat:

const player = new TwitchPlayer(
    options: {
        width: '1280',
        height: '720',
        video: '2064229582',
        parent: ['']